"Simplify and Save! Download our app to unlock access to {N}power loyalty rewards, digital coupons and deals, recipes and articles, and more!{N}power Loyalty ProgramDiscover {N}power, Natural Grocers free customer loyalty program, and enjoy exclusive discounts, deals, and surprise offers. Youll earn valuable rewards points with every visit. {N}power your health and wallet today—log in or sign up now.Coupons and SalesHeres where you watch the savings stack up! Clip coupons from your favorite brands and products. Discover whats on sale in our Health Hotline Magazine and get inspired by upcoming promotions. Find the best sales to support your best, healthy life!What’s NewBe in the know about what’s happening at your local Natural Grocers! From nutrition education to sweepstakes to non-profit partnerships—discover the amazing things we’re up to and how they benefit you and your community. Get excited with us!Recipes and ArticlesBuild a collection of recipes and articles to fit your lifestyle! Search for new menu inspo, read up on the hottest products and trends, and get empowered with our vast library of nutrition education. Save your favorites for easy future access.Stores and EventsFind your closest Natural Grocers store, and let’s get neighborly! Whether you’re new to Natural Grocers, just moved and need to find a new location ASAP, or want to learn about upcoming events—this is where you want to be."